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Faye Whetstone told her husband Gary if he ever went insane again she would divorce him. He did, and she did. At the divorce hearing, Gary asked the j

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Two days before this insane man was to receive lobotomy type surgery, and become a vegetable, a miracle took place that spared his life!

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Dr. Ward went into a leper colony in the Bahamas, and 100 lepers were miraculously healed. They had to close the colony! He says AIDS, blindness, and

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Witchcraft...Is it real? Have psychics really tapped into a supernatural power? Carol Kornacki says yes. In this video, Carol exposes the very real da

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All Carol Kornacki knew was rejection, molestation and violence as a child. She thought she found the truth in witchcraft, until the spirits turned on

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Doctors said this eight-month-old boy would be a vegetable - never breathe on his own, never walk, never see, never hear. He had to be taken care of 2

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Jerry Golden says 75% of his body was burned away including his face. Not only were his face, nose, mouth and lips supernaturally reconstructed, his e

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This former rock & roll musician claims fire from God burned his mouth for two days. And now wherever he speaks the same tangible power comes on peopl

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What happens when an ultra-Orthodox Jewish woman thinks for herself and finds hidden messages in the Torah that prove Jesus is the Messiah?

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Your above average five year old daughter falls from a horse, and suddenly you have a feeble, helpless invalid with no chance of reversal. How would y

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