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TV Broadcast Archive

Mary Nahas' father was used by God to liberate the concentration camps in Germany at the end of WWII. Without this one man, America would not have bec

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Cindy Parton shares how to enter the presence of God by soaking in the Holy Spirit.

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Over fifteen years ago, Steven Brooks had a heavenly encounter with an angel and he's been communicating with angels ever since.

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An angel commissioned Filmmaker Darren Wilson to travel the world and document the miraculous. Week 2 of 2.

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Author Neill Russell explains why the writings of Sir Isaac Newton may hold the key to the future of the United States ... and Israel!

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David Herzog moves in signs and wonders such as instant weight loss, restoration of sight and being supernaturally transported from one location to an

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When Loretta Blasingame was just 13 years old, Jesus walked into her bedroom and called her to preach...

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Craig Hill shares biblical financial principles and how to have supernatural debt reduction.

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Steven Zarit is a Jewish believer in Jesus who walks in the miraculous.

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James Goll shares his prophecies about amazing technological advances. He also interprets dreams and visions.

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