TV Broadcast Archive

TV Broadcast Archive

Paul Cox can physically feel and sense beings in the spiritual realm. In the third segment of this interview, Paul is joined by Barbie Breathitt, a pr

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Rob DeLuca is a highly successful entrepreneur and the leader of a large ministry impacting the nation of New Zealand through signs, wonders, and mira

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Ryan Wyatt has a unique and inspiring prophetic teaching gift and a calling to train believers how to live in intimacy and union with the Lord, live i

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As a teenager raised in a Jewish home in the 1970s, Michael Brown's life was one big party filled with drugs and rock music. Then he encountered the l

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Steve Solomon, a Jewish believer in Jesus, is the pastor of a thriving church that sees supernatural manifestations on a regular basis including oil f

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An angel commissioned Filmmaker Darren Wilson to travel the world and document the miraculous. Week 1 of 2.

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Barbie Breathitt is a professional dream interpreter with many supernatural testimonies proving her incredible ability. She has traveled the world int

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David Jones is a man who walks in the supernatural. He has had visions from God about the future concerning mankind and the end of times. In his meeti

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Ana Mendez Ferrell offers fresh insights into the power and benefits available in communion.

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Brigitte Gabriel lost her childhood to militant Islam, when militant Muslims from throughout the Middle East poured into Lebanon and declared jihad ag

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