TV Broadcast Archive

TV Broadcast Archive

Lightning has struck twice in the life of the former pastor of the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida where over 4 million people came from all

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Sid Roth refers to Julie True as a "Stress-Buster Psalmist!" Her music brings mental, emotional and physical healings, angelic visitations, and deeper

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Jesus released angels to accompany Kevin Basconi, including an angel of provision and protection and an angel to help release healing and miracles! No

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Caroline Leaf teaches you how to unlock your God-given talents and eliminate the "Gift-Blockers" that hinder you from reaching your full destiny in Go

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Video about Dennis Walker praying over baby who was raised from the dead.

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Mel Bond sees into the supernatural realm, even discerning demons on people. When he prays, demons leave and people are healed. Mel wants to help you

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Medical records show that Dean Braxton experienced cardiac arrest for one hour and forty-five minutes. He died and found himself transported into the

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In 26 years of ministry Tony Kemp saw fewer than 10 people healed, until he received the keys to the miraculous right from Jesus in heaven! Now he see

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Mel Bond has seen creative miracles including eyeballs materializing in front of many witnesses. In 1984, Mel had a vision of Jesus explaining how to

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Tony Kemp has an amazing miracle ministry, seeing people healed from all types of sickness and disease, including cancer, diabetes, missing body parts

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