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TV Broadcast Archive

Time is running short for America. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn reveals that the same pattern for God's judgment on ancient Israel is being played out in Ameri

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Rabbi Jonathan Bernis exposes the most dangerous heresy in Christianity. It could cost you Heaven! Learn how to be on the right side of God in the las

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Do you feel like the children of Israel walking in a gigantic circle? Phillip and Darlena Fields want to help you walk straight into your destiny. It'

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Rebecca Greenwood has uncovered an insidious plot against our children and grandchildren. Latest statistics show only 4% of this next generation will

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Dr. Cindy Trimm says walking in Kingdom authority is the only way to end cycles of disorder. Learn how to command your morning, and God will change yo

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Joan Hunter prayed for a woman who was released from such torment of trauma that she instantly went from size 18 to 14. Then the next day she went to

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Something happens when Don Heist sounds the shofar (ram’s horn). The ancient rabbis tell us that when the shofar is played, all the promises of

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Bill Ligon says, "It was hijacked!" You're going to find out what the Jewish patriarchs knew about the mystery of the power of imparting, "The Superna

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Dennis Jerningan was a practicing homosexual. Not only was he supernaturally set free, but today he is married and has nine children. The miraculous e

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Mark Virkler shares, "Finally everyone one of us can have a dream every week and hear from God! No more meaningless pizza dreams." Mark guarantees you

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