TV Broadcast Archive

TV Broadcast Archive

Pat Robertson had a revelation of the secret kingdom that birthed the first Christian television network in America and a major university. What can i

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People are crying out, "Is there a God in Heaven who cares?" Jack Sheffield says the healing ministry answers that prayer. He shares how you fit into

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Jennifer Eivaz says if Jesus lives in you, you are an intercessor to the world around you. Jennifer shares her secrets on how to contend with power an

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Satan wanted to silence Rod Parsley with cancer, but God turned it around. Rod overcame the cancer and now he teaches a “roadmap for living victorio

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Art Thomas has taught healing to thousands around the world. Now he shows you practical solutions to help you at home.

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Tim Sheets says the words you speak are spiritual seeds. Heaven establishes every promise — salvation, healing, supernatural provision and protectio

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Shawn Morris grew up on drugs and crime. He was a kingpin until the King of Glory arrested him.

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After 70 years of ministry, Morris Cerullo became so sick he begged God to take him home. Instead God healed him, then sent Morris to help YOU walk in

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Through worship Eddie James found himself in heaven in the presence of Jesus. Now he wants to open heaven’s doors for you.

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David Herzog, Kathie Walters and Julie Meyer are considered forerunners who teach and minister in the Glory of God!

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