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TV Broadcast Archive

David Turner would fume when he saw healing evangelists do miracles — until God overpowered him. Now he walks in miracles and gets doctors to back i

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Dr. Clarice Fluitt says when you speak the Word of God, you activate the creative will of God. Everything you need is available, and Clarice shows you

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Jesse Duplantis asks, "How would you like to be sitting in your room, and have Jesus walk up and answer every question you have?” What works for Jes

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God showed Dr. Michael Brown how to “marry” the natural with the supernatural to live healthy and love it! You’ll live better when you change yo

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James Maloney recently had a visitor, a “messenger” angel who imparted an increase in the miraculous to him. Nearly a year later, it’s still flo

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Jeremiah Johnson says the power and purpose of prophecy is for God to transform lives—for such a time as is coming. What time is that? The time God

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Some problems seem larger than life, but Leif Hetland says you can slay every GIANT satan puts in your path. The first step? Just be yourself.

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You may not see your enemy but Hakeem and Naim Collins say the power of your mouth will deliver you from every curse and limitation on your life.

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Five weeks in a coma landed Steven Musick in Heaven for an extended stay. He learned that God’s Kingdom is right in front of you, if you will...

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God literally thundered when He spoke to Karen Schatzline. He said, "I desire supernatural encounters with My people and here's how.” Anybody listen

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