Demystifying the Prophetic (Digital Download) by Joseph Z; Code: 4109D
By Joseph Z
Navigate the Last Days with Clarity and Power

Joseph Z’s eBook Demystifying the Prophetic addresses the urgent need for clear and accurate prophetic insight in a world filled with confusion and deception surrounding prophecy. As an internationally respected prophetic voice, Joseph Z shares his experiences and wisdom, offering practical keys to help readers understand, interpret, and apply biblical prophecy in their lives. The book teaches readers how to discern between true and false prophets, live a prophetic lifestyle, and master their spiritual gifts. It also covers the interpretation of dreams, visions, and other supernatural experiences, while outlining four types of prophets active in the Church, government, and marketplace. Joseph emphasizes the importance of true prophecy in navigating these critical times with clarity and precision, encouraging believers to embrace an elevated prophetic encounter to cut through the prevailing deception.