Archive of Past Shows

Rick Joyner had an encounter with Jesus where he could ask any question he wanted and get answers. Then Rick was translated into heaven and got a mess

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Battling 19 illnesses including Crohn’s disease, young Jordan Rubin cried out to God. At 104 lbs. he embraced Bible-based nutrition and thrived!

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When you hear things like “seed faith” or “God wants you to be a millionaire,” you have to wonder. What’s the truth on lack

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Young Gordon Robertson never wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps. But at age 5 the prophetic words started: “You will be a host of

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Perry Stone pioneered understanding the Hebraic roots of the Book of Revelation, the key to the signs and the seasons we are living in. You must under

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Are signs appearing in the Heavens? Meet Mark Biltz, the man who discovered the link between Blood Moons on Israel’s feasts and world events. &n

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Michelle Gold is a Jewish believer from Brooklyn with a miracle voice. Facing career-ending surgery, she surrendered her life to Jesus. Now she sings

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Something stirred Mike Shreve to search the Bible to uncover TEN of the most powerful prayers in all of Scripture. What he found is even more anointed

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God told Jane Glenchur to give up a medical career to be a stay-at-home mom. With her husband making minimum wage, God schooled Jane on how to pray wi

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Tommy Reid walked away from co-pastoring the largest church in world — for a dream — and he knew God was waiting. Now he has a supernatural anoint

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