Archive of Past Shows

Jerame Nelson has learned how to partner with angels for creative miracles—but it also applies to EVERY promise you can find in your Bible!

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Ryan LeStrange says your unseen enemy doesn’t fight fair, but that doesn't mean you can't get victory every time.

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Karen Dunham was abused as a child, got into drugs, ended up in prison. But today her life reads like the Book of Acts. What's her secret?

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For Ana Werner seeing into the invisible began when she was a child. It’s been a learning process and she’s never looked back!

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What just happened in Tel Aviv, Israel is unheard of. Thirty-three buses jam-packed with unsaved Jewish Israelis came to my lecture on the supernatura

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Joan Hunter, Clarice Fluitt and Joan Gieson each walk in the anointing of Kathryn Kuhlman. Watch what happens when they come together.

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Guillermo Maldonado just returned from Argentina, where in a matter of minutes he saw 60 people get creative miracles, even new organs.

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Marriage and family were designed by God, but today they’re the frontlines of battle. Ken and Trudi Blount say you can devil-proof your marriage AND

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“Praying Medic” was an atheist until God spoke to him in a dream: “Pray for the sick in your ambulance.” So after 400 attempts

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Mark Virkler and daughter Charity say dreams can supernaturally bypass the natural mind, and your destiny is an open book if you can understand your d

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