November 2024 Newsletter
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By Jareb Nott
The Bible teaches a great deal about what is proper to think about, and how to have a restored mind. God has charged me with an assignment to rediscover the ancient truths of biblical meditation, as commanded in Joshua 1:8. As I began to study, research, and seek God, I witnessed supernatural deliverance, restoration of minds, and healing of diseases through righteous thinking and meditation with the Holy Spirit.
In Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God” lays the foundational message of biblical meditation. We are encouraged here to surrender, be still, and focus our thoughts on God’s greatness. Then we partner with Him in our pursuit of His revelation in our lives, which brings restoration, vitality, energy, and physical healing.
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Healed of Diabetes
I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes early in 2023. I was healthy and just a little overweight. Over the next several months, I put my own teachings into practice and began warring for my health. Following the diagnosis, I identified my ungodly thought patterns and began to correct the lies from the enemy that kept me in bondage. The Holy Spirit has been teaching me how to meditate biblically for years. I began biblical meditation with a focus on health and healing in this area. I watched as, over the next month, my health began to fully restore, and on May 6, 2023, I received my full healing and am no longer diabetic. I’ve lost all my excess weight, and my health has been fully restored.
Seated in the Heavenly Realm
As I entered into meditation one morning, I understood biblically that I was seated in the heavenly realm. But something was different this time. I began to direct all my thoughts toward the things above. The Holy Spirit took my mind back to a time when I was 11 and was caught up to Heaven. I had walked with Jesus and watched as a sea of angels worshipped in the throne room of God.
I was there again, but this time I was caught up while engaging in biblical meditation. Seated with Jesus, we just talked together and shared thoughts. He shared wisdom and unpacked a little more about the plans He has for me. It was a moment like no other, and I passionately believe that I was invited into that heavenly place because I was intentionally inviting the Holy Spirit to take me wherever He wanted in my mind and my thoughts.
Not only was this a holy moment, but God was demonstrating to me the biblical principle of existing in two places at once. I am in Heaven with Him while in my meditation on earth at the same time. This principle holds true for all believers, and my prayer is that as you come to this understanding, you will experience Heaven at a new level.
Meditation is not simply a healthy exercise but is a time set apart when we acknowledge our presence in the throne room and experience the Glory of God’s presence. Please note that I am in no way acknowledging or lending credibility to the practice of astral projection. Believers should not practice astral projection as it is not biblical. Sometimes, God Himself extends an invitation to our spirit as He did in my experience and in Revelation when John’s spirit was invited by God into the throne room for the purpose of revealing knowledge.
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Unlocking the Glory and Presence of God
Many of us, myself included, were raised to believe that the practice of meditation was directly associated with various antichristian and atheistic religions throughout the world. And sadly, in most cases, that’s true. We should recognize, however, that the Bible speaks extensively about the practice of meditation in daily living. David wrote in Psalms many times concerning his personal experiences with meditation and even provided us with a roadmap by which to learn from him.
Meditation combined with a supernatural thought life is the key that unlocks the manifestation of Glory and the presence of God within the personal lives of each believer. Over the last 5-7 years, I’ve taught the practice and principle of biblical meditation. Through regular practice, many people have received freedom and experienced a new depth in their relationship with God. Some who were not hearing the voice of God are now able to hear His voice. Those we have ministered to and continue to teach this message to consistently report the blessings of a renewed thought life and peace attained only from time spent saturated in the Glory of God’s presence.
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Biblical Meditation Drives Out Doubt
The Bible contains an abundance of references central to the practice of meditation. So many that God provided us with a blueprint concerning its exercise that fully connects us to embrace the intimate, pure, profound relationship with the Father. Each meditative encounter brings us into the throne room and envelops us with the Glory of God. These encounters are precious and deeply personal, leading to personal growth, healing, and inward and outward restoration of our minds and bodies.
In Joshua 1:8, God issued the command to meditate on His law day and night. He promised a result of prosperity and good success. To experience this rest and success, we must give our all and eagerly engage in meditation. This helps us stay away from doubt and unbelief.
God endowed humanity with the capacity to think, reason, and make decisions. Meditation aligns our thoughts with God’s and propels us forward in our pursuit of living according to Jesus’s example. Our thoughts are where satan and his demonic forces wage war. Because of satan’s limited power and authority, he is reduced to influence and dominance over the minds and thoughts of believers and non-believers. The Bible has taught us to take every thought captive, destroy arguments and lofty opinions, be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and center our thoughts on righteousness. Scripture defines the strategy for our thoughts and how to stop the enemy’s advance on our minds. Spend time with God’s Word. Practice renewing your mind, reject lies of the enemy, and always allow God to adjust your beliefs. Do not be anxious. Pray and meditate with thanksgiving, and peace will guard your heart and mind. Focus your mind on things of Heaven. And always seek guidance from the Holy Spirit.
People often tell me, “I’m too busy to pursue the passions of my heart. Between my career, children, and the daily demands of life, I struggle to devote time to the desires of God in my life.” Try substituting a moment of mindlessly scrolling on your cell phone, choosing instead to meditate and allow your mind to reset and be restored!
By Sid Roth
Now that I’ve turned 84, some are suggesting I pass the ministry to a younger leader. But I believe I’m just beginning to fulfill my calling! My vision, passion and purpose are to love God with all my heart, love my family as Messiah loves us and to see all Israel saved! How? By demonstrating signs (evidence) and wonders (miracles) to win the Jew. This, in turn, will open a supernatural door to win an even greater number of Gentiles!
These things I know…
I will be alive in the rich, thick, living, powerful Greater Glory. It is my firm belief that it will come any second now! And I will have the high privilege, with your prayer and financial partnership, to broadcast the Greater Glory throughout Israel and the entire Middle East! I also believe I will lead this ministry for another 20 years!
In the Greater Glory I will not age. I do not believe I will get younger, but I fully believe my strength and vitality will be like a young man, just like Joshua:
[Joshua said] … Now, here I am this day, eighty-five years old [one year older than me!]. I am still just as strong today as I was on the day that Moses sent me. My strength now is just like my strength then… (Joshua 14:10-11, TSB).
The Greater Glory will put God’s favor on our appearance. It will cause our skin to glow with His Presence. We may need to cover our faces like Moses as some may be blinded like when we stare at the sun! We will appear as described in Mark 9:2-3 (AMPC, personalized):
…And we will be transfigured and become resplendent with divine brightness. And our garments will become glistening, intensely white, as no… (launderer) on earth could bleach them.
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My mind is sharp at 84 but wait till you see how sharp the “Mind of Messiah” will be in us in the Greater Glory! We will see Greater Miracles in the Greater Glory. This is what Jesus was referring to in John 14:12 (TSB): “Truly, truly I say to you, he who believes in Me will do the works that I do also. And he will do greater works than these…”
I live in instant repentance. As a new Jewish believer, it took many years for the Holy Spirit to mold His character into my life. But we will be so close to God, living in the Greater Glory, we will know if something is wrong before we even consider acting it out!
Can you picture operating in the “God Kind of Love” and in the Greater Glory 24/7? Our prayers will be answered INSTANTLY.
I can only imagine what evangelism will be like in the Greater Glory! It will not be like today when 95% backslide within six months of saying a prayer of salvation! No, just the opposite. After six months, 95% will be on fire for Jesus, leading multitudes to know Him!
How about “deliverance” in the Greater Glory? When you enter a grocery store, there will be dozens of shopping carts filled with groceries and no one standing! Where will the people be? On their faces repenting from the effects of the Greater Glory we carry!
How much higher will the gift of prophecy be in the Greater Glory? It will be like reading out loud from that person’s personal Book of Life!
Since no one has ever seen the Greater Glory, we can only imagine what it will look like, based on the Word and our sanctified imagination. Men and women of God throughout the ages have seen a small measure of Glory that comes and goes, but this will be different. It will be a fuller measure of the Greater Glory than we have ever seen.
By the time you read this, I will have completed an evangelistic outreach and will soon hold another. One will be jam packed with unsaved Iranian Muslims in the Greater Glory and the other with unsaved Jewish people in the Greater Glory. What a prophetic picture of the One New Man! This is the revelation Paul was so ecstatic about in Ephesians 2:14-15 (AMPC):
…He has made us both [Jew and Gentile] one… that He from the two might create in Himself One New Man [one new (species) quality of humanity out of the two], so making peace [completeness].
Soon and very soon, we will see the King! Come quickly Lord Jesus!