January 2025 Newsletter
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By Barry Segal
As we enter the season of God’s prophetic purposes for Israel, the United States and the world, America is inaugurating Donald Trump as its 47th President. This is a prophetic signpost as we reflect upon the recent presidential election results. However, what is not widely known is how our prayers have affected the destiny of America for such a time as this (Esther 4:14). I am also grateful that—as a citizen of both—I can vote in both Israel’s and America’s elections. And I pray for both nations!
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The US-Israeli Alliance
On the cold night of December 12, 2016, my wife Batya (also a Jewish believer) and I stood in the Negev desert at Nevatim airbase, where our daughter had served in the Israeli military. The air crackled with anticipation as we awaited a historic moment for Israel: the arrival of its first F-35 stealth fighters from the United States. The Israeli Air Force calls these fighter jets the Adir, which is Hebrew for “Mighty One.”
After the first F-35 landed and taxied to a stop, its American pilot came and sat down next to us. Then the second jet landed, and its pilot joined us as well. The moment felt deeply historic. Tears were running down my cheeks as we first sang the national anthem of the United States followed by the Israeli national anthem called “Hatikva,” which means “The Hope.” Here is the English translation of Hatikva:
As long as within our hearts
The Jewish soul sings,
As long as forward to the East
To Zion, looks the eye.
Our hope is not yet lost,
The hope of two thousand years,
To be a free people in our land,
The land of Zion and Jerusalem.
We shared this momentous occasion with U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, Israeli President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It was a profound symbol of the US-Israeli alliance and an event I will always remember with pride.
A Covenant Name
Is there more to this unique relationship between Israel and the United States? I believe there is a hidden truth in the Hebrew name for the United States: Artzot HaBrit. It literally means “LANDS OF THE COVENANT.” This name carries deep significance. Each time Israelis refer to America in their daily conversations, they unconsciously declare this powerful theme of covenant and destiny. The Hebrew name seems to echo through history, suggesting a divine purpose spanning from coast to coast across the American continent.
I am reminded of the Scripture in Isaiah 24:15-16 (NKJV), Therefore glorify the Lord in the dawning light, the name of the Lord God of Israel in the coastlands of the sea. I believe this refers to the United States and most likely other nations as well.
Christopher Columbus Was Jewish?
The Jewish roots of America run deeper than many realize. Recent DNA analyses by Spanish researchers have shed new light on a long-debated theory: Christopher Columbus likely descended from a Jewish family in Spain. This revelation, though discussed in academic circles for years, has gained renewed attention in global media, adding another layer to the complex relationship between Jewish history and the discovery of the Americas.
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The timing of Columbus’s historic voyage coincided with a dark chapter in Spanish Jewish history. In 1492, when Columbus set sail for what would become known as the New World, Spain was home to approximately 200,000 Jews. That same fateful year, the Spanish monarchy issued an edict forcing Jews to make an impossible choice: convert to Christianity, face exile, or suffer torture and death. This historical convergence—Columbus’s departure and the expulsion of Spanish Jews—suggests a profound connection between Jewish persecution in the Old World and the opening of refuge in the New.
Financing the American Revolution
Among the many Jewish patriots who helped forge the United States stands one remarkable figure whose contributions have been largely overlooked. Haym Solomon, a Polish Jewish immigrant who arrived in New York City between 1772 and 1775, would become instrumental in financing American independence. His dedication to the Revolutionary cause led to his arrest by British forces in 1778 on charges of espionage. He was sentenced to death but escaped to Philadelphia.
Solomon’s most crucial contribution to American independence came through his extraordinary financial support. Between 1781 and 1784, he personally loaned as much as the equivalent of $20 billion in today’s currency to the fledgling nation—an astounding sum of $650,000 that was never repaid. This is part of the debt which America owes to the nation of Israel, its people and its survival.
Just before the siege of Yorktown in 1781, Solomon secured essential funding for George Washington’s troops for desperately needed food, clothing, and supplies. Yorktown was the decisive battle of the Revolutionary War.
Despite his pivotal role in securing American independence, Solomon’s story ended tragically. After risking his entire fortune for the Revolutionary cause, he died penniless in 1785 at the age of 44. His sacrifice helped save Washington’s Continental Army from financial collapse and contributed significantly to America’s ultimate victory. Solomon’s legacy represents a powerful symbol of the deep historical bonds between the Jewish people and the United States. To honor his memory and sacrifice, we say “L’Chaim,” to life!
God Bless America
The supernatural, spiritual bond between the United States and the Jewish people finds perhaps its most beloved expression in “God Bless America.” This iconic anthem came from the pen of Irving Berlin (born Israel Baline), who arrived from Russia as a five-year-old immigrant and went on to become one of America’s greatest songwriters.
Berlin first wrote the song while serving in the US Army during World War I, but its most enduring impact came in 1938 when he revived it as dark clouds gathered over Europe before World War II. Kate Smith’s powerful radio performance on Armistice Day that year transformed it into an unofficial national anthem. Three decades later, in a touching tribute to his adopted homeland, an 80-year-old Berlin performed the song himself on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1968, during a special program honoring his legacy.
We thank you Lord for the Judeo-Christian roots of America, one in the Messiah!
Genesis 12:3 (NKJV) tells us: I [God] will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. May the United States continue to be a blessing to Israel and the Jewish people! And may God continue to bless America!
This is the set time to favor Zion!
We are so grateful for your prayers and gifts of any size, which we pour into Jewish evangelism. Only God knows the number of Jewish people who will greet us in Heaven at “Academy Rewards Night!” When you partner with us in prayer and finances, you share equally in the rewards!
Here are just a few of the outreaches you make possible:
- Our flagship evangelistic It’s Supernatural! TV program airing worldwide
- Middle East Television reaching Israel and the entire Middle East with the Gospel
- It’s Supernatural! TV Network mentoring believers and reaching the unsaved
- Supernatural Sid animated series for kids
- Jewish outreach meetings
- 60-second hard-hitting evangelistic ads on secular TV stations and Facebook
- And much more!
With so many opportunities unfolding, your gift today will make an immediate impact. Partner with us today!
Before the recent presidential election, I felt America was due for judgment and the degree of judgment would be revealed by who won. If Kamala Harris won, we would enter immediate judgment of a horrific nature. If Donald Trump won, judgment would still come, but it would be less severe.
After two assassination attempts—with one bullet grazing Trump’s ear and sparing his life by a split second—I observed in Trump a newfound gratefulness toward God that I hadn’t seen before.
I know the next move of God will be preceded and accompanied by a healthy fear of God! This next move is called the Greater Glory. Here are references to this next move from both the Old Covenant and New Covenant.
“‘The latter GLORY of this house will be GREATER than the former…’” (Haggai 2:9 AMP).
“…he who believes in Me will do the [same] works that I do also. And he will do GREATER WORKS than these…” (John 14:12 TSB).
I feel God has handpicked President Trump to usher in the best years in America’s history. Trump calls it, the “Golden Age of America,” but God calls it, “A Divine Reversal!” God is far from finished with America. While there will still be wars and challenges, the Greater Glory will transform the face of this nation. And when America prospers it will change the face of the earth! I see entire cities, states and even nations turning to Jesus.
I see one drop of the Greater Glory:
- Ushering in medical breakthroughs that will make cancer and many other deadly diseases extinct!
- Turning every hopeLESS situation to hopeFUL!
- Saving the least likely person you know!
- Transforming your and your extended family’s financial situation!
One drop of God’s Glory will even inspire your brain to invent world-changing creations. Some of you will be on the Shark Tank TV show presenting these revolutionary innovations but it will be very different from others. You will start your presentation by saying, “I give God all the Glory. He gave me this idea!”
Say out loud, “In 2025, I will thrive! I survived 2024 but God says, this next year is my year of more!”
First Corinthians 2:9 (TSB) declares:
But as it is written, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
Always remember: Israel and the United States are joined at the hip! Our destinies and even our very existence is spiritually connected. This is why God placed President Trump into power! This is why our ministry is so blessed. This is why you are so blessed. This is why the USA is so blessed! It is all wrapped into the promises of Genesis 12:3 (my paraphrase), “I God will personally bless those who bless the Jewish people, and I God will personally curse those who curse the Jewish people!”
Thank you for being such a blessing to the Jewish people through entrusting us with your prayers and gifts.
May 2025 be the most hope filled, Greater Glory filled, peaceful, healthy, blessed year ever for you and your family!