God’s Word Cures All Doubt and Deception
Emily DotsonEmily Dotson was supernaturally healed of lupus. Now she teaches others how to overcome disease through the power of God.
God’s Word Cures All Doubt and Deception
I was teaching a WomenÂ’s Seminar last week, in New Jersey and as I meditated, the Holy Spirit said he wanted me to teach on “Overcoming Deception.” He proceeded to say that deception was like a full-blown-virus – within the church. I know this is not a popular subject with many people. Yet, I will obediently teach it, as He instructed me to teach on this subject – until He tells me otherwise. As, I must obey His instructions.
The deception problem is – when we are deceived we donÂ’t know that we are deceived. Instead, we think we really know the truth. You may say, “Well how can it be that I am in deception, and yet I think that I am walking in the truth?” Well, satan is shrewd. He is master of deception. Satan deceived Eve, so he his capable of deceiving those who donÂ’t know their righteous authority in Jesus. And he deceives those who donÂ’t know how to combat him by enforcing the authority that Jesus has given them: (Luke 10:19)
Every good or perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the FatherÂ…; (James 1:17). God canÂ’t change, nor can he vary from His goodness. If you think that God is allowing you to suffer to teach you a lesson, then satan has deceived you. God teach- es you through reading, and by meditating His Word. His Word cures all doubt and deception, as you apply it to your individual situation. GodÂ’s Word is truth, and only His truth can set you free – from the spiritual blindness of doubt and deception.
So contend, or strive for victory in health, or else, little by little you will accept defeat, and deception. But itÂ’s by knowing the truth that sets you free. The truth is – Jesus has already redeemed you from the curse: (Gal. 3:13). According to Deuteronomy 28, all sickness is under the curse that Jesus redeemed us from. God sent Jesus to take the curse from us. If you accept sickness, or think that God put it on you, then satan has deceived you, because God so lovingly sent Jesus to take the curse from you.
However, if satan attacks you – you donÂ’t deny his attack, but you vigorously deny his rights to keep that attack on you. You must state your covenant rights and demand that satan take the affliction from you. However, it is so much better to walk in divine health, and not have to always fight the sickness battle. And that is only done when you walk in total obedience to GodÂ’s Laws, as you walk in His love commandment.
If you donÂ’t know that God has raised you up together, and made you to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, by (Ep.6:2), then you will easily fall in deception. As when you are sure of your standing in Christ and of the authority He has given to you, you will be bold with the enemy and stop his attacks on your body, and his deception.
Though you may know your standing in Christ, and yet you don’t obey His commands to walk in forgiveness, then you can fall short of your blessings. However, obedience is the key to keep the switch of faith turned on. Then you will be a recipient of God’s blessings. As, “The eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” (2 Chr. 16:9).
By GodÂ’s standard, obedience is better than your sacrifice of time, money, or talent. In John 14, Jesus said, that if we loved Him, that we would keep His words; (Jn. 14:23). That means we will obey His laws. According to Mark 11:25-27, we all must love and forgive every enemy that comes against us. And that is done by GodÂ’s love abiding within us. GodÂ’s nature is love, and even His first two commandments are on love.
If you want to know GodÂ’s nature, so you can imitate Him, read Galatians 5:22-23. As it tells the real fruit of GodÂ’s Spirit, and revels His true nature. As it says “The fruit of the Spirit [which is GodÂ’s nature] is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control…” (So measure your-self – by GodÂ’s love standard).
As “…Whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him.” (1 Jn.2:5). So with GodÂ’s love nature in us we can love and forgive. If you donÂ’t love and forgive – you have been deceived, and GodÂ’s nature is not in you. So check up, and see if you measure up to GodÂ’s love standard. DonÂ’t let the deceiver sidetrack you, or take the love of God out of your heart. If he does, then destruction and deception will be your downfall.
Ro. 8:1, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” I have already told you of the fruit of GodÂ’s Spirit – in GalatiansÂ’ that you must walk in – to keep yourself from walking in the flesh, and thereby bringing condemnation upon yourself. As, walking in love is key to keep the switch of faith turned on, so you will be a recipient of GodÂ’s blessings.
When you disobey GodÂ’s love laws, you will have condemnation in your heart, so then you are sin conscious. If condemnation is in you, then you are not bold when satanÂ’s attack comes, because you have his nature inside you. So you must daily crucify that flesh nature. We all must do as Apostle Paul did. In Galatians 2:20, he says “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God….” He walked in love.
So follow him and walk in love so the enemy canÂ’t deceive you. GodÂ’s Word cures all doubt and deception. As you walk in love deception canÂ’t destroy your health. Amen!